Career & Mental Coaching

Everyone knows it and has certainly already experienced it - dissatisfaction and the feeling of standing still. We experience new challenges every day and often reach our limits. Whether in daily life, in the professional world or during sports. It feels like something is blocking you. I would like to solve these blockages with you, find new ways and help you to develop your full potential.

Why Coaching?

If you are in a situation, often called a crisis situation, in which you have the feeling that you are stuck, it is high time to start a Coaching.
Crises in different areas of life are often interrelated. Work and private life are often inseparable and therefore one thing influences the other. In addition, both often lead to health problems. In such situations, coaching can help to recognize where the common starting point of the problems lies.

In many areas and countries, Coaching is indispensable. Coaching has long been established in the USA. Those who get stuck are looking for support. Every athlete, whether in competitive or amateur sports, has a trainer and/or coach who helps the athlete to unleash the full potential by pointing out personal growth opportunities and enabling the athlete through targeted methods. So what are you waiting for? Let a coach show you new perspectives and face the challenge of dealing with yourself.

I, as your Coach, will support you, both professionally and privately, to define and reflect on your current situation, to work out alternative solutions and actions while I support you through the process. With different Coaching methods I will support you to losen your blockages, unleash your full potential so that you can reach top performances.


Career Coaching

  • Professional (re)orientation
  • Coaching for executives
  • Difficult conversations
  • Dealing with situations in everyday work
Coaching für Sportler

Mental Coaching

  • Increased performance in sports
  • Willpower and mental perseverance
  • Dealing with stress
  • Self-confidence and self-esteem

Life Coaching

  • Satisfaction
  • Personality development
  • Self-organisation
  • Stress management
  • Coping with personal crises

First contact

Feel free to contact me for a first free meeting to discuss where and how I can support you.

You can contact me via email, phone or using the contact form.